The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3095360
Posted By: Steve Shaw
14-Feb-11 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Sorry, the first line of that should have been in italics too. Only the last line is me.

Now this from achy Tony:

Just watching a BBC "Dispatches" documentary aqbout Muslim faith schools in the North of England......Tolerance dont make me laugh.

I urge all pro Muslim posters to view it on I player....then report back here and tell us that it is no more abusive or bigotted than Christianity!

I shall be waiting!

Well, achy, as it happens I went to a faith school (two, actually) meself in the north of England. Catholic they were. Oh, if only I had a video to show you the intolerance and bigotry we were treated to! Catholics were better than everyone else, don't play with the proddy kids from the school down the road, no non-Catholics can go to heaven... Now I respect people who follow the Muslim faith just as I respect those who claim to be Christians, though the respect is predicated at all times on what kind of people they are. I do not respect their organised religions in the least, which is an entirely different matter. They are all as bad as each other, so please spare us the "Islam-is-worst" bullshit.