The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3095466
Posted By: MGM·Lion
15-Feb-11 - 12:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
I am afraid you are having some logic-farts to go with them, Steve. Two wrongs, as the proverb tells us, do not make a right. Especially when some wrong are so manifestly more wrong than others. Of course we all know RCs indulge in all sorts of propaganda for their faith as superior, the only true faith, &c.

Now provide an instance since the C17 of anyone judicially executed in any Catholic country for apostasy from that faith. Or of a Catholic daughter killed by her father, with the approval of the Church and its community, for wanting to marry a non-Catholic, or a statement that such a procedure brings 'shame' on the young woman's family.

And now deny that these are relatively commonplace events in Islam.
