The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135702   Message #3095593
Posted By: TIA
15-Feb-11 - 08:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: The New Budget
Subject: BS: The New Budget
So, the 2011 budget fight begins. Plenty of room for honest disagreement over how to set priorities when we are in such a fix.

Instead, we get the head of the House Budget Committee Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.).

This is him two months ago on Obama's Fiscal Commission:

"I think it goes backwards," Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican and the next chairman of the House Budget Committee, said at a breakfast with reporters sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor. Ryan's comments are the most unconditional rebuke of a plan that has been regarded even by conservatives on the commission as fairly conservative because of its recommendations on cutting spending in some parts of the budget, and on reform of Social Security and the tax system so that rates can be dramatically lowered.

So, yesterday Obama proposes a budget, and Ryan says this:

"Unfortunately, the president's budget incorporates virtually none of the commission's recommendations. Instead of moving us forward, the president's budget takes a step backward."

In case you missed that…The commission's recommendations are a step backwards, but not following those recommendations is also a step backwards.

Show of hands please; does anyone really believe these assholes are trying to govern?

Nope, their only agenda is to undermine the opposition to get power.

It's a very easy script to follow (just watch Fox for a few minutes, and you will catch on).

Anything Obama does is wrong (perhaps even evil), and anything that goes wrong in the world is Obama's fault.