The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135626   Message #3095645
Posted By: GUEST,Grishka
15-Feb-11 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Non-ASCII character display problems
Subject: RE: Tech: Non-ASCII character display problems
Concept Grishka3: The thread page stays as it is, just the Preview checkbox is removed, and the "Submit Message" button is labeled "Reply". Clicking on it inevitably leads to the preview page, which is completely unchanged, but declared UTF-8. The contents, if any, of the entry box are reproduced, processed as follows: If the script encounters any characters above 127, it tentatively converts them as if from ISO 8859-1 to UTF-8, both in the preview and in the corresponding entry box, and includes a big red warning ("3 characters have been converted, please check ..."). Posters using a codepage similar to ISO 8859-1 can usually ignore the warning, the others have to examine the preview for the transformed characters. If they do not want to do that, they may click "Reply" before entering anything. If they pasted their text from elswhere, they should repaste it to the new box (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-V).

Writers of plain English text and diligent escapists (users of the htmlesc software) will never see the warning.

The extra benefit is that at least one preview is compulsory (though it is still possible to enter B***S*** then).