The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3095651
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Feb-11 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Well, Guest ex-Sanitary, you forgot to play the rest of that anonymous video, the bit where he says that all we can do about it is wage a world war against Islam. Nuclear, naturally. I note that Mr Video appears to be being used by you as his proxy (y'know, I accidentally typed "poxy" there!), as you yourself are distinguished by having never strung two rational sentences together. At least he was fairly articulate (though reading), unlike your good self, but excuse me for stopping my praise for him right there. Still, I enjoy your inanity, and your exclamation marks, so please continue.

As for you, MetrotheGoldwynMayer, you who wouldn't recognise logic if it jumped up and bit you on the arse, I am no defender of Islam and never have been. Neither am I going to get into some kind of contest to see who's worse, them or the Catholics. I wish they would all just go away. And that wish is predicated on my knowing what they get up to, so litanies of lurid examples are not required.

Can either you or your ally Guest insanitary (how do you feel about having such a friend, actually?) advise me as to which of your suggested medical practitioners I should go to first, the therapist or the optician? Or should we just all accept that your facile and bigoted arguments are tits-up in the water seeing as how you've both resorted to infantile insults?