The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3095723
Posted By: MGM·Lion
15-Feb-11 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Drift ~ which Steve has started by trying to be clever about my nickname. Altho spelt slightly differently, Louis B Mayer, Sam Goldwyn's partner at MGM Srudios, was in fact my first cousin twice removed. i.e. my paternal grandfather's first cousin. I am still in touch with some Californian distant cousins. So the clever-clever use of the coincidence of my initials as a smartarse comment wasn't quite so bright, as the similarity of initials is not so adventitious after all.

I am interested in where Steve finds any 'infantile insults' in what I have written. I agree with him that all religion is nonsense; but maintain my view that some religions are more actively harmful to large sections of humanity than others. If Steve can really see no moral difference between 'honour-killing' of a daughter for bringing 'shame' to her family by wishing to marry out of her parents' faith, and often fatuous verbal propagandising for the superiority of one's own lot over others, then I call that an unfortunate deficiency in perception on his part. In what way this can be construed as an 'infantile insult', I do not know.

Despite the warning I received above, for which however I am not ungrateful, I think that Steve is probably a well-meaning man of principle, who happens to have let his inherent hatred of racism in any form rob him of his sense of proportion in this instance.
