The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25571   Message #309575
Posted By: Big Mick
01-Oct-00 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: Camsco vs: CDNow
Subject: RE: Camsco vs: CDNow
So anyway, there I was, sitting for a couple of hours and trying to relax before I head out to continue to prepare for a visit from my candidate to Grand Rapids on has been hell,......I just want a little break, so I fire up the Mudcat for a quick visit, about the folk fogey's book that I have been wanting to hear about.......chuckle when I read how he is in folk music for the money, but wants to be a bookstore when he grows up..............come to 'Spaws post............something deep inside says put down the coffee, swallow what's in your mouth BEFORE you read the post..........I ignore the voice, after all, I am a veteran and have been through tough scrapes............I chuckle as I start to read it...........DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER.........I get to the rubber dog shit comment..........the welling up from deep below starts, I call on the training from years ago...........every bit of mental strength and stamina goes into the struggle to keep the coffee from flooding my sinus cavities.........TOO FRIGGIN' LATE.....How am I going to explain the coffee spots on the monitor and the walls of my cubby hole office to the other creatures that inhabit this ecosystem, especially the eight year old who sees right through her old man when he is trying to bullshit her into thinking it was all by design.........Oh well, off to the campaign trail where I can get a little, very little, respect.

Big Mick