The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135688   Message #3096509
Posted By: Desert Dancer
16-Feb-11 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: The silence of Clarence Thomas
Subject: RE: BS: The silence of Clarence Thomas
Also from the NY Times article:

He is guarded in public but gregarious in private. He avoids elite universities but speaks frequently to students at regional and religious schools. In those settings, he rarely dwells on legal topics but is happy to discuss a favorite movie, like "Saving Private Ryan."

He talks freely about the burdens of the job.

"I tend to be morose sometimes," he told the winners of a high school essay contest in 2009. "There are some cases that will drive you to your knees."

Justice Thomas has given various and shifting reasons for declining to participate in oral arguments, the court's most public ceremony.

He has said, for instance, that he is self-conscious about the way he speaks. In his memoir, "My Grandfather's Son," he wrote that he had been teased about the dialect he grew up speaking in rural Georgia. He never asked questions in college or law school, he wrote, and he was intimidated by some fellow students.

Elsewhere, he has said that he is silent out of simple courtesy.

"If I invite you to argue your case, I should at least listen to you," he told a bar association in Richmond, Va., in 2000.

Justice Thomas has also complained about the difficulty of getting a word in edgewise. The current court is a sort of verbal firing squad, with the justices peppering lawyers with questions almost as soon as they begin their presentations.