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Thread #135090   Message #3096575
Posted By: ollaimh
16-Feb-11 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
we live in an upside down world that would have shocked george orwell. criticizing an empire thst pushed drugs in china, muddered innoncent native children profited from the slave trade for three centuries before they got religion, and murders its own citizens on bloody sunday is now hate.

well keith you are so delusional ans ignorant that hate is probably the only real idea you can master.

the american continue on with military cap[iitalism, frrely killing civilians in iraq. see the wikkileaks video of good ole american boys gunning down a cameraman and a van full of children try to help the wounded, while laughing at them.

to get people to commit atrocities you have to get them to self dehumanize. that's done with the ideology of empres and the perversions of re;igion called the anglicam church(among others). people don't easily kill. in the first world war they found the recruits would only fire their gins about seven per cent of the time, so you have to motivate them with perverted religion and ideology, and they still do it.

for the purveyors of this perverted religion to be criticizing muslums is the height of hypocracy but we live in a wicked age when the liars cheats and killers are aok if they can find some spin.

the fact remain that muslims have no worse record that the british empire. many times they have no better a record but islam isn't to blame for the abuses in the world today. military capitalism shoulders most of the blame.

and its the height of shameless hypocracy for the house of lords or any british institution to be pointing fingers untill they clean their own house. the way thats done is by confessing the pasr rather than pertending it didn't happen or to pretend that evil done was somehow justified. thats what truth and reconcilliation commissions are about--i\d love to see one for the british and american empires but that willhave to wait untill the chinese rule the world.

as to the two types of deities. many religions recognize the jealous gods as a lesser form of deity. they have devas and ashuras, also called ahuras, titans and jealous gods. the ideology of the old testiment is that of self confessed jealous gods. gods of war and power. well thats what most of the followers have been up to and maybe christians should consider that. muslums as well.

finally the reason the bhopal disaster victums got so little and the bp got so much (or will get so much)is that the bp abuses were subjrect to american litigation which has a high value on compensation to even the werakest and pooreest .while the indian system puts very low compensation on the harm done to the lower classes. so does any body know where the indian government got their legal system? the one that puts almost no value on lower calss suffering and death. guess???