The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135741   Message #3097124
Posted By: GUEST
17-Feb-11 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks
Subject: RE: Why I won't be seeing the Unthanks
Some interesting posts here. And there's nothing that gets a folky audience arguing like the sit v stand debate - all good training for Cambridge.
Whilst I was accused of patronising shit for saying it, but not everyone wants to sit at a folk concert (whatever that means). I prefer the atmosphere at standing gigs - OK, I'm never going to jump around watching the Unthanks in the way I will for Bellowhead, but I feel more involved, I like to be able to get right to the front - and even a front row seat makes me feel like I'm a passive consumer, not that I'm part of the experience.
I saw Steve Earle twice on his last (acoustic) tour, once all sitting, once (mostly) standing. Again, not the most dance-friendly artist - but the atmosphere between the two shows was completely different - and undoubtedly better - when we were standing.
I don't think the Unthanks can win here - already dismissed by many traditionalists as not being folky enough, now they get condemned as money grabbers for targeting a younger audience more used to standing at concerts.
Someone said they don't play folk festivals any more - nonsense. They played Cambridge and Moseley last year (to excellent reviews) as well as the less folky Glastonbury, Green Man and End of the Road.
In an ideal world every venue would have a choice of standing or sitting. Even Bellowhead are playing a short series of all seater events this spring in the interests of those who can't or don't want to stand (my small kids are refusing to go - having danced themselves to exhaustion the last time they saw them, they can't see the point in sitting).