The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135653   Message #3097379
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Feb-11 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gay church 'marriages' set to get the go
Subject: RE: BS: Gay church 'marriages' set to get the go
Yeah, Ake, they just can't seem to imagine that you could disagree with them on one single trigger point political issue...and yet agree with them on much more foundational political matters that they are quite comfortable with.

It doesn't fit their emotional needs. It doesn't fit their need to see you as "wrong". If you're "wrong", then you have to be seen as "all wrong" to fit their emotional expectations. You have to be some kind of monstrous aberration, some kind of dire threat to the peaceable kingdom of all that is right and proper. Accordingly, they resort to reducing you to some silly favorite stereotype that meets all their personal requirements for recreational outrage. Fun for the combative ego...but it doesn't lead to a reasoned discussion or a productive meeting of minds, just a lot of self-righteous posturing, all to the effect of saying:

"I'm a much better and nicer person than you are. You're evil. I'm good. Nyahh! Nyahh! Nyahh!"

;-D Funny. Damn funny. That's the only reason I bother to come here and comment on it, just because it's funny.