The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135765   Message #3097649
Posted By: Donuel
17-Feb-11 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
A respected journalist looked at Wisconsin's actual OMB facts and figures and discovered that the state actually has a multi million dollar surplus. Two weeks ago the govenor passed a tax easment for the rich amounting to 132 million dollars. The money saved by hurting state workers is about an equal match. The busting of state unions has no fiscal savings whatsoever EXCEPT that it will limit the Democratic Party to bake sales while Republican corporations can buy billions of dollars of influence.

Once you see Republican states one after another try to abolish unions in their state you will see this is a full frontal assualt in disbanding the Democrtic party.

The court decision Citizens United allowed multi national corporations and Unions to fund candidates with UNLIMITED money.

When Unions are gone it will be a one party Billionaire show come election time.

This die was cast when the Citizens United case overturned 200 years of election law. I said it then, I repeat it now. Total Corporate Control of elections and institutions is the equivalent to a dictatorship.