The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135688   Message #3098054
Posted By: Greg F.
18-Feb-11 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: The silence of Clarence Thomas
Subject: RE: BS: The silence of Clarence Thomas

Try doing a web search: you'd be amazed at the facts available to you. Plenty more where this came from;

The American Bar Association rating of Thomas was the least favorable of any confirmed Supreme Court nominee dating back to the Eisenhower administration (most nominees receive unanimous "well qualified" evaluations). Merida, Kevin and Fletcher, Michael. Supreme Discomfort, p. 398 (Random House 2008).

Organizations including the NAACP, the Urban League and the National Organization for Women opposed the appointment based on Thomas's criticism of affirmative action and suspicions that Thomas might not be a supporter of Roe v. Wade...; p. 431