The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135800 Message #3098146
Posted By: Geordie-Peorgie
18-Feb-11 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: Help! Copyright and me!
Subject: Help! Copyright and me!
I have been asked to record some traditonal songs to promote an indie record company! I got to record free and the proprieter gets to sell my stuff online!
However, in a conversation today he advised me that HE owns the copyright on my recordings and he can do with them what he wants
Is this true? Don't I have any say in what he does with MY voice and MY instrumantal work?
This is based in UK so the US legal process might be different - The project is probably dead-in-the-water now but he has 14 traditional songs with me singing and playing sitting ready to sell! Where do I stand?