The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25889   Message #309851
Posted By: Linda Mattson
01-Oct-00 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Subject: RE: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Another report from Portland, Oregon. The linden tree in the backyard is losing leaves like mad. What I love the best about autumn is the wind. It has come back. Not very strong (by Wyoming standards where I grew up) but cool and breezy and delightful. Last night at 2am I heard birds, and I can't imagine what kind they were. Thomas the Rhymer and Amerigin, any ideas? (I've only been here a year.) Lawns are turning green again with the recent rain. Here in Portland the lawns are green in the winter because of the rain, and brown in the summer because no one bothers to water lawns in summer. An odd switch from places that have snowy winters.

In three days I'll be experiencing autumn in the UK! -Linda