The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26003   Message #309868
Posted By: Linda Mattson
01-Oct-00 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: Countdown to Llanstock
Subject: RE: Countdown to Llanstock
Hello, I'm catching a ride to the gathering with Bill Sables and Company (thanks, Bill), and they are planning to camp. I'm looking for a bed and won't have a sleeping bag. Bron, can you help with suggestions?

Would any of the London Mudcatters have room for one going back, dropping me off somewhere, Bill suggested Wiltshire? I was thinking of visiting Stonehenge. I'll have a medium size suitcase, small bag and a fiddle.

Are there any odd things we should bring to Llanstock?

Thanks, and see you soon, Linda from Portland, Oregon