The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3099141
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
20-Feb-11 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Rolls my eyes, again...Here we go again...calling people who have legitimate concerns about a growing threat to world peace 'bigots'!..even if the threat of a radical, violent, distortion of a 'religion', is bent on eradicating all 'NON-subscribers' to their point of view, off the earth...INCLUDING YOU!!

It has become flagrantly obvious, that the 'FAR Left' are comprised of self destructive mental cases, who cannot distinguish fact from propaganda from reality and delusion, and tend to be 'suicidal and proud of it'! They will use the Freedom and Liberty that this country has provided to bring down the very system that ALLOWED them the freedom to be as silly as they have now become!!!!

Yes, the far right has its ills, as well...but, what this country has witnessed from the far left loonies, rivals the idiocy of a 'Monty Python' sketch!!!!...and it is all too self evident!!!

Your guys BLEW IT! You're BLOWING IT, and instead of correcting the problem, and/or recognizing any errors in your 'logic' that don't exist, you just dig your heels in further, and make bigger asses of yourselves....and with stubborn pride, you'll take us all down with it!

Congratulations for your self destructive fantasy obsessions!
Congratulations for fucking up the family unit, as a basis for ANY society!
Congratulations for calling black white and white black, good for evil, and evil for good!
Congratulations for creating hostile class warfare, where before there was none!
Congratulations for the deterioration of morals and conscience, to where we are as animals with nothing to think about, except obeying our 'trainers'.
Congratulations for fucking up every possible way to achieve the potentials that individuals are capable.
Congratulations for trying to turn the world, into a failed Soviet model!
Congratulations for 'winning' arguments, (read: 'avoiding learning') by shouting each other down with juvenile name calling, and shifting topics from inefficiency to 'bigotry' and 'racist' a 'catch all' for avoiding dealing with real problems.
Congratulations for promoting 'entitlements' as a way of if you are entitled to ANYTHING, that you won't earn!
Congratulations for making mental illness and emotional immaturity the hallmark banner of your existence...then whining that you can't FORCE everyone who doesn't agree with your thumb-sucking childishness, to collectively suck with you!!

Piss off! Radical 'left' bullshit has run its course, and is now been seen as what it is, and what it isn't......and because they fucked up SO BADLY, popular opinion is turning away drastically!
YOU have given the 'FAR loony RIGHT' legitimacy...and for that, you have shown no brains at all!!
Stupid people are easily manipulated...Now aren't you glad to be in the 'gang'?
