The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3099842
Posted By: ollaimh
21-Feb-11 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
yeah you noticed that muslims are not exactly like you, so they must all be bad. well any claim that all "muslims" are to somehow be to blame for one or a dozen honour killing is ethnic religious sterotyping and bigotry. and claim that a crime commited my"a muslim: hold all muslims to blame equally ethnic sterotyping and bigotry.

gee i read every day about english speaker out there in the mid east killing people--but thats not christian crime i suppose. but unlike the "muslom crimes" refered to and condemned those killings are the policy of a state you mostly had a chance to vote for--but you are not responsible. or on bloody sunday the murder of dozens of ethnic irish by soldiers following the polisicies of the sate you mostly got to vote for thats not british crime.

well i find the hypocracy disgusting. policies and killoings by the organized arms of the state are not the responsibility of the citizens of that state and the crimes of individuals who are not organized are the fault of all muslims. read a book, go to a lecture try and rise from your ignorance and bigotry and make something usefull with you wasted life!!