The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135852   Message #3099906
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Feb-11 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Equality State? NOT
Subject: RE: BS: Equality State? NOT
She must be a real riot at parties, eh? ;-) I wonder if she knows Chongo?

Well, one of my good musical friends cooked up some bread loaves that looked like a giant penis and a set of large breasts at her last get-together. People thought it was a bit amusing, but no one took any offence over it. Had she, however, been involved in politics, it probably wouldn't have been a smart move. You have to be a bit more circumspect when you are serving in Congress.

I bet that Wymoming doesn't allow chimps into bars either, not even if they are fully dressed.

Am I to understand that if traveling through Wyoming as a gay couple, you would now legally cease to be married immediately upon entering the state, and legally resume being married immediatly upon leaving it??? They should make bad weather and stupidity illegal in Wymoming too and see if that works. ;-)