The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26032   Message #310091
Posted By: John in Brisbane
02-Oct-00 - 01:58 AM
Thread Name: Slim Dusty [at the Olympic Games, Sydney]
Subject: RE: BS: Slim Dusty
Don, while some may argue about how you define folk we were actually treated to Tommy Emmanuel (albeit briefly in acoustic mode) plus Christine Anu, Midnight Oil and Yothu Yindi who play regularly at the annual Woodford Folk Festival over Christmas/New Year. Peter Garrett (the shaved head lead singer of 'The Oils') was an independent Greens Senator in Federal Parliament and is a great 'folk' song writer in a rock genre. I note that he co-wrote the Yothu Yindi song.

There's sure to be some ballyhoo here from the Right in the next few days about singing political songs at a supposedly apolitical event. Or for that matter portraying Aussie males as gay in front of the world's media.

It's probably gauche in the folk community to like Slim, but I've loved him since talking to him as a kid at one of his side-show performances when I was a kid in the bush in the late 50's.

Thanks for the thread. Regards, John