The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3101546
Posted By: cobra
23-Feb-11 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Now then, here's an interesting thing. Armchair Keith has gone all the way through this thread doing what he does best. In short, he has consistentlt proven himself to be a Wiki Warrior of the highest order. His use of Google Search could well feature on any Internet 101 course. Unfortunately for Monsieur Le Fauteuil (Google it, Keef!) all he has achieved is a first class outlining of the weakness of use of t'internet for purposes of cut-and-paste.

Up until yesterday Keith had not actually offered an opinion of his own. His (only) debating ploy has been to seek to shift the argument when he has been challenged, moving the goalposts has been his response to any direct challenge to his increasingly outlandish statements.

I have extended you the courtesy of reading through your posts in this thread - I would suggest that you extend a similar courtesy to Lox -and it strikes me that you have consistently cited newspaper quotes from your chosen sources but not once have you actually stated your own position. I would be very happy to be proven wrong on this point.

So, sir, here is a direct challenge to you. Without deviation, sophistry, manipulation or downright distortion can you please do the following, using your own logic and argument and not depending on filleting (for your own purposes) other more learned sources such as Straw, Yasmin etc, etc:-

1. Set out your precise issues with regard to crime within predominantly Muslim communities.

2. Confirm that you do not have an agenda driven by intolerance based on race or religion.

3. Share your perspective on how - if there is, indeed, a major sociological issue to be addressed/ dealt with - any problems might be dealt with and resolutions achieved. As an aside on this point, I do not know whether you are old enough to remember the riots in Brixton, St Pauls, Leicester, Handsworth and Toxteth in the seventies and eighties. If you are, do you think there may be some lessons to be learnt about inclusivity? Were you concerned about the way in which young white women were associated with the West Indian community during that period? Are you old enough to remember how thge NINA culture was applied to the Irish in the 1950s? And, of course, going a bit further back, you will be only too well aware of the demonisation of Jews in Whitechapel in the thirties cf. Cable Street?

Keith, as a personal favour, I would implore you to please set out your concerns on the subject of Muslim "issues" . I know that Mr May started the thread but, for whatever reason, you have picked up the baton. And with some abandon, I have to say. Or, at least, that is how it appears, give the number of your posts.... You have used a numnber of Googled quotes and articles to articulate a position. For the sake of clarity, will you please set out YOUR OWN stall and stop dissembling and cliaming that you have "no view" of your own. That is disingenuous and disrespectful to the people you seek to engage.

Oh, and finally, I note that on 14 February in this very thread you suggested that Lox was siding with someone you described as "bitter, twisted and agenda ridden ...(as Cobra)..." (see post dated 14 February). I would be grateful for an understanding as to how you reached that view. As far as I am aware we have no personal history. I believe your statement reflects an ad hominem attack of the worst kind. I am also intrigued to hear from you how you have deduced that I am "agenda ridden" . Pray tell, what is my agenda and what proof do you have for your assertion? In specific terms, how, when and where have I articulated a "twisted agenda"?

However, whilst I look forward to getting an insight into your proof regarding my "world view£, I am much more interested in seeing you set out your views regarding Mr May's position at the head of this thread. And I will be eternally grateful if you can please set out your own position rather than C&P various Guardian and Goofle articles.

Thank you.