The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135765   Message #3101585
Posted By: Donuel
23-Feb-11 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
Cynical as it sounds, its been too late since the Supreme court decision, Citizens United.
Just prior to the case being heard, 2 Supreme Court Justices were wined and dined for 4 days by the Koch Bros. who stand for a one party system in order to insure maximum profits and minimum Union interference for their businesses that pollute and require American workers.

Thanks to the Daily out of Buffalo we finally got to hear exactly what Gov. Walker thinks and schemes.
The Gov. thought he was taliking to David Koch but was actually talking to the editor of the Daily BEast.

To hear a Reppublican talking republicanese with the leading republican billionaire who pays for 90% of all republican elections...
is a truely enlightening experience. One and all should listen to it.