The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135765   Message #3102158
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
24-Feb-11 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
Subject: RE: BS: Unions attacked 17 Senators missing
John on the S.C. said:

Repubs might be the party of "No," but they, at least, had the moral fiber to let the democratic process run it course, although they knew they would lose. Wisconsin Dems are moral cowards.

Not so. The Dem Senators are exercising great personal courage within parliamentary procedure to frustrate the Republicans' muscle tactics, in ramming a draconian partisan measure through in an unconscionably short time.

What was it, maybe ten years ago? that Texas or maybe Mississippi legislators did the same thing, to deprive the "dictatorship of the majority" of a quorum. This is hardly unheard of.

The tactics of the Republican Governor and his majority in this case hardly constitute "letting the democratic process run its course", when they are designed to prevent real deliberation in the legislature by a grand rush to preconceived judgment.

Dave Oesterreich