The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3102168
Posted By: GUEST
24-Feb-11 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Lox, In response to Keith...

Lox: "So just in case there is any doubt, you are a racist Liar."


Lox: "You should award yourself a prize for deducing that rapists discriminate against their victims." a response to: GfS:"...and I'm surprised YOU aren't raising an issue of discrimination, because the rapists are only targeting girls!"

Twice, you have shown, that you have the depthy comprehension of a mayfly!

You must think its just hunky dory, to throw around 'race' and 'bigotry' accusations to anyone who posts a logical disagreement to your banal crap. That, in itself, tells me you have nothing of value to say, regarding the topic, other than you standard 'one size fits all' childish, worn-out from the '60's cliches. Not everything revolves around 'bigotry' and 'racism'...unless you are one of those mental midgets, who get lost, and don't understand anything, then proceed to project that everyone else is as small minded as you! Some things require a discussion, or debate, instead of taking refuge into your isolation blanket of, "Gosh what did he say??..he must be a 'racist' that I told him off, I can go back to sucking my thumb".
Get real!!!
See if you can comprehend the basic idea here
