The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3102462
Posted By: cobra
25-Feb-11 - 05:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Oh dear! I had promised myself I wouldn't bother any more. That the best thing was to ignore the blatant lies and distortions which Keith is using to provide a smokescreen for his bigoted and racist (and sectarian) views. But, then this:-

Keith to Lox: "And what is your explanation for the fact that in cities with a large BP minority many hundreds of children have been sexually abused and trafficked by gangs of BPs?"

Now, Keith, where is the evidence for this latest assertion of yours - that "many hundreds" of children have been "trafficked by gangs of BPs" ? I know - since you have told me , and previously used it as an excuse NOT to answer my direct questions - that you do not like confusion in your mind and so prefer to deal with one simple facet at a time. So, please tell me where is the empirical evidence to support your claim that "many hundreds" have been trafficked by those you seek to demonise?

As far as I can tell, Operation Pentameter 2, a co-ordinated campaign by police forces across the country and reporting in 2008, estimated that:

Up to 18,000 females, including girls as young as 14, are working in brothels across Britain after being smuggled into the country to meet the booming demand for prostitutes. Police revealed that nearly five times more women than previously thought are working under duress in massage parlours and suburban homes.
Operation Pentameter 2, a six-month campaign by police forces across the country, resulted in the release of 154 women and 13 girls put to work as part of a lucrative trade dominated by organised crime gangs, which increasingly co-operate via the internet to maximise earnings from their victims.
The Operation Pentameter 2 campaign, which saw the arrest of 528 suspected traffickers and the closure of 822 brothels and premises being used to sell sexual services, also revealed an increasing use of young British women, who are trafficked within the UK after being groomed by older men who lure them to towns away from their homes. The Home Office highlighted one recent case in Sheffield where 33 victims had been recruited by men in public places and taken away for sexual exploitation.
However, most victims are foreign, with at least 85 per cent of the women working as prostitutes coming from countries including Brazil, China, Lithuania and Thailand. Many victims are lured to Britain with false promises of work in bars or nightclubs only to be sold for up to £5,000, often at airports or service stations, to pimps and brothel-keepers. The women are then set quotas of the number of men they must have sex with each week, working for little or nothing under threat of violence against their families.
Tim Brain, the Chief Constable of Gloucestershire, whose force co-ordinated Pentameter 2, said that police forces were becoming more effective in tracing prostitution networks and seizing their assets, but admitted that they remained a significant problem. The first phase of Pentameter in 2006 rescued 88 victims and made 232 arrests.
The Government insisted that the success of the campaign, which has resulted in 24 convictions, was evidence of its determination to hinder the work of the gangs behind sex trafficking. Of the 167 women and teenagers released, all but five were being used as prostitutes. The rest, of whom three were children, had been sold as domestic slaves.
Mr Brain also revealed that a large number of residential properties were being used to sell sex (of the 822 premises raided, nearly 600 were private homes). "In some of the cases, neighbours have not suspected any kind of unusual activity," he said.
Prostitution and people-trafficking is now the third most lucrative black-market trade in the world after gun-running and drugs-smuggling. It is being driven by growing demand for prostitutes in the UK, with websites promoting sex flourishing and local newspapers carrying advertisements for prostitutes. Gangs often share the income from internet "bookings".
Ministers also said children were being trafficked into Britain to grow cannabis or to join street crime gangs. There are plans for a further crackdown on fraudsters who smuggle children to make bogus welfare claims.
Sex trafficking in numbers
6,000-18,000 Trafficked women are thought to work as prostitutes in Britain
167 Victims identified in a police operation to free them
13 Victims aged between 14 and 17
£500,000 Amount seized in brothel raids
500,000 Number of women trafficked into the EU each year "

Source: The Independent - "It Is, Are You?"

The rationale for including the above report is quite simple really. I need to understand how you have reached your conclusion, and the inference that British Pakistanis are disproportionately represented in this crime.

I very much doubt - and I have checked ALL the posts - that anyone on this thread is claiming there is no problem re grooming within the communities you have referred to. However, your preference has consistently been to home in on one section of society and ignore the fact that this crime is not exclusive to that group. That is why, IMO, you have attracted the flak you have on this thread and on others. You see, Keith, your arguments are selective, they are weak, they are inconsistent and they are intellectually lazy. By reusing to broaden the scope of your "research" (for which read Google, Wikipedia etc ) you have laid yourself open to accusations of racism and bigotry. Can you not see that?

The reality is that grooming and trafficking is a heinous crime wherever and whenever it takes place. It is not, however, the exclusive preserve of one section of society. The police and court reports show that most paedophile gangs are white, that the "host community" has a higher incidence per capita of population of sex crimes than ANY racial or ethnic group.

So Keith, to reiterate, please advise how you have arrived at the strident claim you made re the "many hundreds", let me have some empirical data to support your claim and explain why police forces across the country are saying that this is NOT an issue/ crime exclusive to or disproportionately represented in ethnic communities.

At the risk of unecessary repetition, but to save you having to refer back (I know you find that stressful since you have told us so), here are those police figures once again:-

"Sex trafficking in numbers:
6,000-18,000 Trafficked women are thought to work as prostitutes in Britain
167 Victims identified in a police operation to free them
13 Victims aged between 14 and 17
£500,000 Amount seized in brothel raids
500,000 Number of women trafficked into the EU each year "

So, Keith, : "What DO the voices say?"