The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3102595
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Feb-11 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"All the people listed said it is a problem specific to BPs."
Are you for real? Grooming and pimping specific to Pakistanis??
Prostitution, of which grooming and pimping is a specific part, is as old as history (The oldest Profesion) and cannot be identified exclusively to one racial or cultural group, and any attempt to do so is blatent racism.
Irish writer Patrick MacGill was writing about it in connection with Irish girls at the time of WW1, Colin McInnes likewise about the West Indian communities in Britain in the 1950s. Christopher Isherwood's novels dealt specifically with pimping in pre-war Berlin..... and so ad infinitum.
The upturn in prostitution in Britain has been linked directly to the fall of communism and the springing up of Mafia-like organisations in Eastern Europe.
Nobody here has claimed that the practice does not take place in Muslim communities, but this, contrary to your claim, is an indication of the breakdown of the values of those communities rather than part of the culture.
Designating the procuring and marketing of underage girls as 'Muslim' or 'British Pakistani' or any secific racial or cultural group, predominantly or otherwise, is as racist as it was when it was used against the Irish and the West Indian communities in the past.
You really have leapt out of your racist closet with a vengeance.
You make me sick too.
Jim Carroll