The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3103474
Posted By: MGM·Lion
27-Feb-11 - 06:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Jim [and others]:
Mike - "without proof" - The emphasis throughout this thread has been on 'documented' evidence - which is non-existant on the crimes Keith would lay at the door of Pakistani/Muslim culture as a whole. Jim Carroll
Despite the flak aimed at him, and the misdemeanours re Guest-posts defending himself brought up from his past record, I do not see Keith on this thread as trying to 'lay crimes at the door of Pakistani/Muslim culture as a whole'; or indeed 'at the door' of anyone. Rather, it seems to me, he has been explicitly speculating [and no more than that], on possible reasons for this demographic's acknowledged preponderance in the proved & documented offences whose existence you do not gainsay.

Some of his speculations may be true, others false; but speculations is all that I perceive them as being. It is surely a recognised fact, undisputed by their own community, that many Pakistani males do marry late, often in arranged marriages with relatives. It is surely worth at least a guess that such a situation might just have on a small minority of the men concerned a frustrating effect leading to their seeking some sort of relief elsewhere. Likewise it is surely the case that the 'infidel' is held in disrespect in certain sections of their community. And that some young binge-drinking females outside the Islamic community do behave publicly in an unworthy fashion which might lead some to consider their moral principles deficient. And all these facts taken as a whole might lead to the sort of speculations [which I say, yet again, is all I perceive them to be] in which Keith has been indulging.

Fair's fair ~~ to Keith as much as to everybody else, whatever may be considered his past record ~~

Isn't it?
