The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3103626
Posted By: Lox
27-Feb-11 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"So, is it racist to say it if it happened to be true?"

If in your search for the truth, after examing all the evidence and looking at all the possible explanations, you discover that the ONLY explanation is one based on Race and culture, then you have yourself a case.

In this case,we started with a conclusion based on racial discrimination, and you have been fighting tooth and nail to support it for around a month.

If you were genuine about investigating the causes of crimes like these you would do so by examining all possible influences and doing genuine comparisons with other trafficking gangs.

Until then all you have is racial slander.

"And Lox, where is this from?"

If you can remember where to find the original post you will find it.

It is in the Guardian Article.

As it is already posted to this thread you can go and find it for yourself.