The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3103781
Posted By: cobra
27-Feb-11 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Keith says: "If you REALLY want me to answer, ask them again".

Too easy, Keith, and yet more obfuscation. Your unwillingness - no, inability - to answer speaks volumes. You know where my questions are. Deal with your own laziness and sophistry.

"BTW, I did answer what your sick, twisted agenda was.
I do not have problems repeating things if you want."

Please do. And, for good measure, please give me the date of the post so everyone can see you are talking through your hat once again.

Oh, and when you have done that, tell me all about being caught in a deception. Remember it? It was when you used Oakville to try and wriggle off your own hook. And when you are at it, who IS Bill Woodcock? Do you have many imaginary friends in that little head?

Now,in the meantime if it helps you, the following are the posts between us which deal with me being "bitter (and) twisted) and being "... agenda ridden...". The only other point you have made is that you and I fundamentally disagreed on Northern Ireland and that I once referred to you as a STAB (Stupid TA Ba**tard. I withdraw the STAB part now that I have more to do with you via this thread. Lumping you together with the TA is an insult to the men and women of that regiment. Abit harsh to use that as justification for me being those things you have claimed.


"...someone as bitter, twisted and agenda ridden as Cobra..." to Lox, 14 February 0600hrs.

"... I note that on 14 February in this very thread you suggested that Lox was siding with someone you described as "bitter, twisted and agenda ridden ...(as Cobra)..." (see post dated 14 February). I would be grateful for an understanding as to how you reached that view. As far as I am aware we have no personal history. ...I am also intrigued to hear from you how you have deduced that I am "agenda ridden" ....what is my agenda and what proof do you have for your assertion? In specific terms, how, when and where have I articulated a "twisted agenda"? " - Cobra to Keith 23 Feb 7.28pm

"..I have nothing ... to add about your agenda.
Perhaps twisted was a bit strong.
I withdraw it...." Keith to cobra 24 Feb 7.33am

Please elaborate on how you identified my bitter and twisted agenda outside of these posts.