The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3103797
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
27-Feb-11 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Cobra, we are trying to have a debate, but you just want to talk about me.
That is a bit creepy.
And you keep talking about Bill somebody.

My first answer about your agenda.

We have previous, on NI threads.
I speak against paramiltaries, blaming them for immense suffering and setting back the cause of a United Ireland.
You speak for Republican paramilitaries, and against Britain and me.
That is the agenda I referred to.
You have previously called me "STAB Keith."
My understanding is that the S is for stupid, and the B for bastard.
Your agenda.

I would like to add.
You admit to searching through OVER FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED of my posts.
That is more than a bit twisted cobra, but I am grateful.
You found not one post, worth putting up, that contained lies, racism or bigotry.
That is some testimonial.
Thank you.
Also it proves that Oakwood never found any.
So I only put true words in his mouth.
So no harm done.