The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26048   Message #310406
Posted By: wysiwyg
02-Oct-00 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Burma Shave!
Subject: Burma Shave!

Although a little Forum research reveals that there have been a few passing references to Burma Shave here at the Mudcat, apparently-- heavens!!-- there has not yet been a thread entirely devoted to composing new Burma Shaves!

UN-BE-FOCKING-LIEVABLE! Scandal, outrage, mortal pity!

Why, a world without Burma Shave signs... no wonder we all are a bit lost from time to time!

A Mudhood with no Burma Shave... sniff, weep, sniffle...

Let's go! Topical or cute, whatever, go for it!

For some quick examples, SEE THIS THREAD

And why not also suggest a tune to which these can be sung? Then I can steal all your best ideas for our next senior center singalong. Of course I would have to tape that. And auction off the tape, yeah!

Burma Shave memories also gladly welcome.
