The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3104300
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Feb-11 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Until the next time then.... "
Haven't said I was going yet, you should be so lucky!
"It was just the headline I disparaged. The piece itself was pure gold to me."
The headline you disparaged referred to this, which are the opening passages of the report, which you obviously hadn't read properly and is, as you say, "pure gold".
It is exactly what you have been doing here.
"Authors of study on 'on-street grooming' in the north and Midlands, where young girls have been targeted on the streets and at school gates, are concerned their findings about Pakistani gangs have been generalised.
Researchers into child sex trafficking within the UK have warned of the dangers of racial stereotyping amid claims of a widespread problem of British Pakistani men exploiting under-age white girls.
Authors of the first independent academic analysis looking at "on-street grooming", where young girls, spotted outside, including at the school gates, have become targets, said they were concerned that data from a small, geographically concentrated, sample of cases had been "generalised to an entire crime type".Authors of study on 'on-street grooming' in the north and Midlands, where young girls have been targeted on the streets and at school gates, are concerned their findings about Pakistani gangs have been generalised.
Researchers into child sex trafficking within the UK have warned of the dangers of racial stereotyping amid claims of a widespread problem of British Pakistani men exploiting under-age white girls."
"Until the next time then...."
Why - do you thing you might do better next time? I suppose you have to break your duck sometime!
Looking back, all your war of attrition tactics have achieved is to draw you further out of your sectarian/racist closet.
Yi ho Silver - as you once nearly remarked
Jim Carroll