The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135864   Message #3104341
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Feb-11 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Racism' a catch-all accusation?
Subject: RE: BS: 'Racism' a catch-all accusation?
Eliza - it was not my intention to question your word in any way, but my point remains; I can see no rational whatever why any parent concerned about their childrens' upbringing would tolerate such crass values being passed on to their children, as displayed in your examples.
It has been the long-established practice of our tabloid press to present similar behaviour to the public, which, when examined, usually have been either invented or distorted out of all proportion, often for political ends.
While it is a danger to be ultra-sensitive about the use of language, it is equally a danger to ignre the fact that language is a powerful weapon in deameaning and undermining people, especially in the mouths of children.
I remember being appalled years ago while listening to the radio at work and hearing a then regular childrens' programme broadcast a story about 'Big Fat Rosie' who dived into a swimming pool and emptied it. I learned a few days later that a friend's daughter (with a slight weight problem) had come home from school distraught, having been presented with the BFR nickname and had refused to return.
I grew up in the 'Little Black Sambo' generation and personally, am thankful that those days are long gone - I hope!!
I have become a little tired of the term 'political correctness' being flung about as as an insult, as often as it is, but take some comfort in the thought that the the opposite is 'political incorrectness' and I would rather err on the safe side, especially where children are involved.
Jim Carroll