The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135944   Message #3104637
Posted By: Bobert
28-Feb-11 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
Yeah, TBTG!!!

I been having these deep feelings that this is "our week" for Him to bless us...

Actually, a trifecta would be nice...

The biggie is in the win column...

Now if we could get word on the house in NC that would make it 2 outta 3 and then if...

...we would get a contract offer on our farm that would be the trifecta...

I'm still holding out FAITH that we'll at the very least be in the 2 for 3 column by Friday...

That would be the bees knees... It would also be one of those, "Geeze, He indeed can pull things off" moments in our lives...

Well, we're giddy!!! No chemo!!! No extra surgery!!!

Life is good!!!

Thank each and every one of you... I love you for being there with the prayers, the thoughts, the whatevers... They worked!!!

And, yeah, WYSuzie, TBTG!!! Always...
