The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135834   Message #3104905
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
01-Mar-11 - 08:39 AM
Thread Name: Devon Folk
Subject: RE: Devon Folk
Do you know, you guys drive me bats...!   I wasn't going to come back in here, but just to straighten a few things out...

Dave, get real. Do you truly think that BBC Radio Devon would put a folk programme into the hands of someone who doesn't know how to present a radio show, and who's been banned from the BBC for daring to talk publicly about political and social issues all the time, and the connection to those issues via folk music??????

I know this doesn't help in the er....'campaign' to put me in a light ***so bad*** that even the cockroaches wouldn't want to befriend me, but
heyho, there ya go.

Of course, should they ever decide to contact me, then I'll give it a go, as I've said, but to my way of doing things, not their 'zip your mouth' one. There are so many songs in the folk world that speak even louder today in this crappy situation that's going down around the world, and believe you me, I'd be wanting to talk out about those songs, along with traditional ones too.

Also, I'm also not interested in doing the 'homework' you've set me above, but thanks for the thought. I realise you're a teacher, and therefore it's kinda hard to let go of wanting to control the students and make them do things your way, but I have always, and will always, do things my own way.

To the Spirit who's just arrived in this thread, know full well I was talking about the Folk Week that started up in 2005 and continues to the present day. That was, for me, the best Sidmouth Folk Week of them all, even outstripping the Sidmouth International Folk Festival as used to be....before that, I was a mere twinkle in a folk song and knew nowt about Sidmouth....Thank ye kindly and happy haunting...

I haven't read 'ruth archer's post above, nor do I intend to, so I won't comment on it at all, whatever it may say.

OK, how about returning this thread to it's original subject, which was the Folk Relief 24 hour marathon, run by the team on BBC Radio Devon to raise money for a new Devon Air Ambulance....You'll find the links to the page about it in one of my first posts in this thread, I think...along with a link to the original thread I started about the Folk Relief show...