The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3105219
Posted By: Lox
01-Mar-11 - 05:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice

"There is no new crime type called "street grooming" "
The subject of the survey was "on street grooming"

Yes thats right - They investigated it and they found that there was no new crime type.

So the survey was conducted to find the truth, it found the truth, and the truth is the opposite of keiths opinion.

And Keith - Grow up - My comments about "nonces" do not require a response. Its a rhetorical point.

The fact that you are a teacher would prove nothing of the sort anyway - Ian Huntley was a school caretaker for Gods sake.

The point is that there is no evidence to say that you are anything other than a stubborn narrow minded git, so there is no reason to believe you are anything worse than that.

What I hoped you would get is that shit can be thrown at anyone and slander is easy.

The same can be said of Slander against Pakistanis.

99.99% of Pakistanis have never been associated in a sex crime, yet you say they are predisposed to child abuse, and they must overcome this perverse urge on a daily basis while other cultures don't have this problem.

In fact, you not only make this unsupported claim, but in addition, you claim to be able to explain WHY they are all closet perverts, based on your assessment of their collective psychological profile.

You're floating past the outer reaches of the galaxy mate and you will find no answers about pimps and sex traffickers out there.


"your obnoxious friend who has neither the guts to apologise for misrepresenting me on these threads"

His obnoxious friend knows exactly where to find the quotes to back up his accusations.

It's already happened on this thread once.