The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3105697
Posted By: Brian May
02-Mar-11 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Well, for all those defending the Muslim religion, yet another assassination of a moderate politician in Pakistan.

A government minister who had the temerity to disagree with the draconian 'blasphemy' laws of the radical Muslims.

I would draw your attention to the title of this thread and then ask'why do you think there is so much prejudice against Muslims', it would have nothing to do with the conduct of its radicals would it?

These are the people that wish to overthrow our life-style and where do you think you'll stand if they manage that?

Will you point to Mudcat and say 'Look I stuck up for you', do you honestly think they'll care as they contemplate removing YOUR head with a bread knife for being any or no religion other than theirs?

Not nice to contemplate? Well look at the evidence and ask yourself, would you feel safe in their company.

So why shouldn't the populace take this into consideration before deciding whether or not they're bothered about offending this group?

I don't see the same thing happening attributed to Sikhs, Buddhists, Janes and so on. So it's hardly racist is it? It's anti a religion that causes such mayhem and grief.

So am I prejudiced? Damned right I am. But who is committing the bigotry in the most offensive fashion? Us or them?