The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135944   Message #3105840
Posted By: Bobert
02-Mar-11 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
Subject: RE: BS: Prayers & Healing Thoughts 4 the P-Vine
Thnaks, ya'll...

Unfortunately, getting the biopsy outta the way just opened up the reality that in 2 weeks the P-Vine is going to have a mastectomy... I guess as long as there was the biopsy to worry about that we didn't really focus in on that aspect... It's now very much in focus and it's stressful and depressing...

Im trying to come up with distractions but running our of ideas of things to do, see, etc... In the last month I've taken her to every real city within 150 miles of here... Wearing us both out...

Not to mention that we've been stashing stuff for todays' phot shoot for the MLS listing of the farm which will be out on Monday...

No wonder I'm tired... The poor P-Vine is wiped out...

So prayers for peace and strength is all we need now...
