The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3106108
Posted By: MGM·Lion
03-Mar-11 - 06:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"We are ALL 'potential' rapists, thieves, murderers, whatever"
Exatly my point - why single out British Pakistanis for special mention and why make it a cultural issue as Keith has?===

Oh, Jim, please: because of the observable disproportionality of that one demographic in relation to that one particular offence, which happens to be the one under discussion.. Nothing else. You seem to think this can be explained away by irrelevant refs to other demographics doing all sorts of other things which are undisputed. It can't.

It is necessary to look for an explanation as to why this particular group should be so particularly disposed to this particular behaviour-pattern. So it is reasonable to look for the explanation as to whether there is anything in the conditioning unique to this group, which this group undergoes and which others don't. There are aspects of their ~~ let us say 'customs' rather than 'culture' ~~ which could provide the explanation. It is not racist to point out differences of conditioned expectations among different demographics, surely. You are ready enough to do it with other tendencies to be observed, due to their conditioning, among other groups, like Irish Catholics, aren't you just!
