The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3106506
Posted By: Lox
03-Mar-11 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
PS - I note your deliberate chopping in half of a sentence in order to make it seem nonsensicaal.

This one:

"I read [from an earlier post] that singling Moslems out, or in Keiths caee Pakistanis, and saying that they are naturally predisposed to violence, rape, paedophilia etc, is a racist approach."

You cropped it as follows:

"Keiths caee Pakistanis, and saying that they are naturally predisposed to violence, rape, paedophilia etc, is a racist approach."

And presented it as if that were my sentence.

A definite deliberate misrepresentation.

Keith depends on Lies, deliberate misrepresentation and wilful ignorance as his tools to back up his opinion that pakistanis are closet paedos.

He has been arguing this case for over a month and ignored all evidence or rationale that doesn't fit his view.

Imagine spending a month of your life trying to prove, on the basis of a couple of politicians opinions, that Pakistanis are closet Paedos, who struggle not to abuse chilfren on a daily basis.

How much would you haave to hate Pakistanis to do that?

The evidence is building up day by day now in this thread that it would have to be a lot!