The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3106566
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
03-Mar-11 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
""The BP culture has much in common with other Muslim and Asian cultures, but is nevertheless separate and distinct.""

Says who Keith?   Who's your preferred expert for this piece of random opinion?

Evidence please, or your opinion is meaningless.


""I don't know all the answers but seeing as you are posing the question I assume that you can back up the intimation that the Moslems do not indulge in any ill feeling towards other peoples. Would you care to share the proof of that or is it just one of those unproveable hypothoses that you seem to be so against?


(I had got bored with the same old arguments if you had not gathered by my earlier post. But the argument that Moslems are paragons of virtue intriugues me...)

DeG, I can understand that you would be intrigued by an assertion on my part that all Muslims are paragons of virtue.

In fact, had I ever said (or even implied) that such was the case, I would consider myself certifiable.

When you put words like that into an opponents mouth, you make yourself ridiculous.

Bringing Muslim/Jewish affairs into the argument is equally specious, as I can cite as many crimes committed by Israel, as you can by Palestine, probably many more.

Your question above is easily answered. You obviously believe strongly that Muslims harbour ill feeling toward the rest of humanity, all Muslims.

Your stance is, I would suggest, as difficult to prove as that which you erroneously ascribe to me.

Obviously some Muslims bear ill will. How else to explain the events of 7/7, but when you tar every Muslim with that same brush you are wrong, and since you must be aware of that fact your motives are called into question.

Keith gets a big kick out of seizing on any opportunity to denigrate immigrants, which is why he will not consider that these highly localised gangs committed these crimes, not because they are Pakistani, not because they are Muslim, but because they are Paedophiles and Rapists.

His agenda demands that he "Prove" that their culture is responsible for their actions, enabling him to feel that they are "lesser" in relation to his "Law abiding White British" self.

Do you now understand why we keep pointing out the very obvious flaws in his biased reasoning?

How does he explain that other Muslims do not react in the same way to his theoretical "sexual repression"?

Using the same dehumanising "BP" he simply says ""The BP culture has much in common with other Muslim and Asian cultures, but is nevertheless separate and distinct..

Sorry, but other Muslim men have the same urges, and the same constraints, but do not act in the same way, men whose cultures are indistinguishable from the Pakistani culture.

Don T.