The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3106658
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Mar-11 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Very misleading Jim, to the point of deception."
No Keith - it is your opinion, a conclusions based apparently on a handful of opinions of others, though nobody has gone as far as you have here. We have all examined the evidence, we have all come to our own conclusions - your (very much a minority here) opinion is just that - your opinion, and it is breathtaking arrogance to claim that it has any more validity than anybody else's.
To me it is a racial/cultural slur, no different than any other I have ecountered in the past, aimed at West Indians, Africans, Jews, Irish, Travellers even Christians, and when it is made without proof it becomes inflammatory rabble-rousing. If you have proof that paedophilia and sexual predatory behaviour is part of the British Pakistani culture, please produce it - you have not so far; you haven't even managed to cut-n-paste it.
Who else other than you (and the BNP and their ilk) has made such a definitive claim?
As far as I can see, nobody here is defending the worst excesses of Muslim culture. For me, this problem isn't the problem of one religion, but of all religions that gain secular power and excessive influence. In Ireland we are still living through the consequences of a Christian church gaining such power and influence and abusing it to a horrific extent. Does this make all Irish Catholics suspect sexual predators?
"This is not a job or anything."
Just as well really, you are not making much of a fist of it!
Jim Carroll