The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3106717
Posted By: MGM·Lion
04-Mar-11 - 05:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
No it isn't, Jim. You have resolutely attempted to evade the unavoidable points I have made, and gone on asserting your foolish nonsense that, because Keith has a 'track record', of which Jim, in all his high-and-mighty rightness, disapproves, you can discount anything he may say on any topic for ever after; and denouncing any adducement of undisputed statistics as a desire to throw stones at people and scrawl Pakis Go Home on walls; which I assure you are things I have never felt the remotest desire to do. And then rounding off such foolishnesses with the triumphant tone of one who has incontrovertibly won the argument and has been left in victorious possession of the field.

You haven't; and you're not. I fear you have merely contrived to make yourself look uncomprehending; and doctrinaire; and politically rather than intellectually motivated; and a bit silly...

