The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3106849
Posted By: cobra
04-Mar-11 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Why do you assume that I live in Ireland? If you had read my posts you would be aware that I have lived in England for many, many years and that I continue to do so. But then it is a ploy which you have attempted more than once on this thread. It is called moving the goalposts. And that is all your pathetic attempt to create a diversion by dragging Ireland into it is. Pathetic and grubby in the extreme.

As for your ongoing dissembling, refusal to address issues put to you, distortion of the contributions of others and continuing unwillingness to answer the points I have asked you to, I am quite content that you have been exposed for the shallow, racist and basically ignorant lout that you are. Your refusal to address the points raised by me and by others speaks volumes.

You claim to have been a teacher for over thirty years. Given your inability to apply logic or comprehension to the most basic of intellectual matters I very much doubt that. I also very much doubt that your personal style would allow you to escape censure if you were, indeed, a qualified and practising teacher. Please do share the extent and scope of your "teaching" experience.