The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3106856
Posted By: cobra
04-Mar-11 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Oh dear! Does your pathetic Googling know no bounds???

More pertinent, have you actually READ the piece on that link? Did you read the "further links"? I did. And guess what? The BBC story relates to a policeman who was prosecuted for grooming a young boy. The issue of online grooming involved BBC reporters looking into this vile area and they found that, amongst the wider numbers, three people were online at the same time as them, actively seeking sexual contact with minors. These three people were teachers, according to their online personae. The only reference to anything resembling Race in ANY of the posted links made reference to the fact that it was a BBC Wales investigation and one assumes, therefore, that this crime was Wales-based.

Not one reference is made to Pakistani involvement. Not one, save in your twisted and bigoted little brain.

And, on the subject of teachers and CRB checks, and your indignation that anyone could consider you a nonce because of your claimed teaching background, do me one favour. Google for teachers convicted of sexual abuse and predatory behaviour. If you dare.

You are a joke.