The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135487   Message #3106870
Posted By: GUEST,Alan H
04-Mar-11 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Brian Jacques (15June 1939 - 5 Feb 2011)
Subject: RE: Obit: Brian Jacques 5 Feb 2011
New Brian and Liz ( Crampton ) from folk Days all through the 70's. Followed them around to many folk venues, always a pleasure to listen to. Remember his monologues well and Liz's rendition of Amazing Grace , although not strictly folk, was magical, still the best version I've heard. Liz and Brian were partners for many years but seems to have been airbrushed out of his official life story, even wikipedia was changed recently to leave her out. They were a lovely couple. God bless Brian.