The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3106981
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
04-Mar-11 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
From Don T

When you put words like that into an opponents mouth, you make yourself ridiculous.

Bringing Muslim/Jewish affairs into the argument is equally specious, as I can cite as many crimes committed by Israel, as you can by Palestine, probably many more.

Your question above is easily answered. You obviously believe strongly that Muslims harbour ill feeling toward the rest of humanity, all Muslims.

I C&P'd the full section to pre-emt accusations of misquoting. Now, where do I start on something wrong at so many levels...

1. Let us compare the statements 1 and 3. 'when you put words in an opponents mouth you make yourself ridiculous' and 'you obviously believe strongly that Musims harbour ill feeling etc.' OK, you are not putting words in my mouth, but you are describing my beliefs in detail that you cannot possibly know., How ridiculous is that?

2. I do not believe for one instant that Muslims, Christians, Jews or Bush Baptists harbour ill feeling toward anyone. I do believe some societies values are not the same as ours but as long as someone else's morals are not forced on me I could not care less.

3. 'put words in an opponents mouth' What makes you think of yourself as my opponent? An opponent is someone I know and respect. Someone I can argue with and shake hands with at the end. Someone who's opinions I can disagree with without being subjected to abuse. An anonymous name on an internet forum is simply that, until I get to know them.

4. 'Bringing Muslim/Jewish affairs into the argument is equally specious, as I can cite as many crimes committed by Israel, as you can by Palestine, probably many more.' Well, firstly, I have never mentioned Palestine. Secondly, everyone is citing crimes by peoples not involved in the initial debate. Lox has somehow introduced east European trafficers; Cobra goes on about the Irish while you have mentioned, Hindus, Moroccans, Bahrainis, Tunisians and Iranians. Are all such acts specious or only the ones you disagree with?

Need I go on?
