The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3107393
Posted By: Lox
05-Mar-11 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"I am certainly NOT misrepresenting the figures,, just STATING them"

No - you also extrapolated a hypothesis which purports to explain THE CRIME TYPE of street grooming on RACIAL grounds ... therefore misrepresenting the figures in exactly the way described by the authors of the research.

"Lox and Jim refuse to give that evidence any recognition."

Unlike you keith, I actually read it, and examined it. You have yet to respond to the issues I raised about it, or indeed to bother examining how it correlates with your hypothesis.

You just make a statement, call it a hypothesis and then post some stuff that you call supporting evidence without bothering to understand it, let alone examine it.

For example, you posted a report that hasn't even been conducted yet as evidence to support your view.

In addition, you didn't look at the evidence I provided, or you would have known that the report I referred to was a different one to the one you had posted, and mine WAS complete and CONTRADICTED your view as squarely as could be imagined.

You're still just making shit up.