The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25889   Message #310757
Posted By: Lyrical Lady
03-Oct-00 - 02:35 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Subject: RE: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Sunny skys over our little Island in Beautiful British Columbia. My roses are still blooming, the dahlias are vibrant, fall asters are everywhere and the branches of the apple trees are breaking from the weight of this years crop. I'm still picking beans, digging potatoes and gathering my tomatoes which finally decided to ripen. Anybody want any Zucchini? The maples are still green but the leaves from the Arbutus trees are falling and their scent is mingling with the blackberries, a sign that Fall is in the air! The birds have stripped the berries off the Ash trees and the wasps are drunk from the ripened fruit. The smell of wood smoke is drifting from house to house and people are busy filling their wood sheds and putting their gardens to bed for the winter.