The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3107589
Posted By: Stringsinger
05-Mar-11 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Unfortunately, we are still fighting the Crusades. There seems to be religious ideological differences that escalate into a Beirut style war.

The problem is that "belief" often translates into rigid ideology.

So much hinges on interpretations of religion. They differ, reading one thing into them,
shutting out other possibilities of meanings, categorically painting all with the same brush,not allowing for different behaviors resulting from interpretations, and above all not separating these religious ideologies from the ethics of the people who subscribe to them is important here.

There have been religious atrocities conducted historically in every epoch. There also have been religious productive efforts in stabilizing and generating social good, as well.

To get excited about specific incidents and using those to define the behavior of any religious group is narrow-minded, ignorant and a kind of intellectual denial.

Separate the ideology from the behavior of people and you find a positive solution
to the contemporary "Crusades".